Drive to the pumping station Find a way inside Speak with the bandit leader Defeat the bandits Find out who was screaming Defeat the last bandit Free the hostage Help Ali to get the water back Drive along the pipeline to the main valve Open the valve Leave the basement Speak. Bahir is a side quest available in Dying Light. Get to the Water Tower. Do these as soon as they become available to avoid locking yourself out of the quest. Next, go to the Online Options here. The Black Widow. Contact Barney. For the weapon in Dying Light 2 Stay Human, see The Lazarus. Lots of times they pop up at different checkpoints of story missions. The bow is, for a lot of Hellraid, the only ranged weapon available in the DLC other. Defeat the Renegades. This section of IGN’s Dying Light 2 guide covers the Empire story mission. Lawan demanded that I help her find a new pair of sneakers. Kadir Suleiman, better known as Rais, is a main character featured in Dying Light, serving as the primary antagonist. But was this really just because of the shoes? The Shoe is the seventeenth Story Quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. 1000 Combat Points 2000 Parkour Points TBA TBA TBAThe Ministry's convinced the rest of the world that there're no survivors left in Harran and soon they will be dropping enough bombs to turn that lie into the truth. Fuck. Waltz and Williams had to pay for all this evil. Once in the Fish Eye, go to Frank's room and talk to him. Also, there's so much more to do besides main story. Go to the Saint Paul Cathedral. Talk to Barney. The commander’s life and those of other innocent. #1. Locate Suleiman and intercept the file The process detailed in the file is incomplete and, if implemented in its current state, toxic. Find and disarm the explosives. Catch up with Kurt. Meet with Michael in the sewers I gotta find Michael. Ultimately, sticking to the main story is one of the best ways to level up fast in Dying Light 2. Also, during some quests, players can make a. Finding out that Barney went out to look for the crystals on his own, Sophie asked Aiden to look for him upon the conclusion of the. Side quests are a lot of fun, you may even have more fun and be as equally entertained from it as story. Its once-beautiful hands are now disfigured and lopsided, and the manicured nails have turned into claws. Down the Rabbit Hole. Find the outpost commander. Report to the dispatcher. Maya is a child and a survivor who appears in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. Having witnessed Kyle Crane's amazing running ability, he asked Crane to help him deliver medicine to nearby survivors in his stead, within the course of the Family Doctor series of challenges. The game was released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows on January 27, 2015, in North America and on January 28th,. and even before story is finished. . Aitor. Requirement: Complete The Shoe, agreed to help Juan in Welcome on Board and therefore complete the quest Cathedral, give the antenna to. For an overview of other uses, see The Following (disambiguation). New Game +, New Game Plus or NG+ is not to be confused with starting a new save. As mentioned, Dying Light 2’s quests are split into two different types of quest, with the full lists shown below, alongside how many are in each category. So she was pissed at me. Bring Juan to the meeting. The PK Crossbow is obtained after providing four facilities to the Peacekeepers as part of the Crossbow Pack. Nightrunners is the Story Quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. I had given control of the VNC Tower antenna to Frank, who soon called me back to the Fish Eye. Meet with Jade in the boxcar Find an entrance into the school Get inside the school Look for Antizin Turn off the alarm Search the place for Antizin Find keys to the basement Meet Jade in Storage C Eliminate Rais's thugs Leave the school Meet with Jade back at the Tower Talk to Rahim about the hive. Goodnight Mr. The Fate of the Fool is the ninth story quest of Dying Light: The Following. Talk to her and she will ask Crane in helping reclaim her farm. Craft her mushroom. you just repeat the mission zombies don't get any tougher but you will have to re-progress through the story as your. This section of IGN's Dying Light 2 guide covers all the Quarry End side quests. going to the top of the bridge for UV bulbs. He delivers medicine to sick people. It is a DLC representing the same named game Hellraid from Techland that ceased development in the second quarter of 2015. Story Mission that Prevents Progression. updated Feb 12, 2022. The Nightrunners is a disbanded faction in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. Always join the person who is at the earliest point in the game. One of the earliest, and most important, main quests in Dying Light 2 tasks you with taking over a water tower from Jack and Joe: two guys who have rigged the place to explode. Each Flag is worth 500 Agility Points. Story Quests of Dying Light: The Following. These two quests will change the state of the world affecting some places, so you could simply lose some quests tied to them. While in. Go to the B Block. Speaking. 2 A Baby Is Born. What you likely did was enter an encounter and then it timed out, not the main story line. Leon is a Peacekeeper in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. If not delete save slots again. Dying Light 2 has a total of 22 Main Story Quests. Each quest will be set up in this format: Quest name. Region: Saint Paul Island Quest Giver: Juan Requirement: Complete Welcome on Board, agree to work with Juan Reward: 3750 Combat XP, 1250 Parkour XP, 3 DIY Grenade, Blade Axe. Juan Rainer is a character in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. He can found on patrol in the lobby, watching over the entrance. Total Security is a side quest available in Dying Light. K. Talk to Lawan. Dying Light 2’s Aitor side quest unlocks shortly after your arrival on the PK’s Floating Fortress in the Wharf region. An Unfinished Story is the eighth story quest of Dying Light: The Following. Look for the boys along King William IX Road. It contains the Church of the Holy Trinity, which is now the Bazaar in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. Continue the chase. Create an interactive map. You'll be able to freely reload your save and normally continue playing as you did before, except that there won't be anymore main missions to select, obviously. Enemies won't be able to get too close as the UV lights in. Siblings is the fifth story quest available in Dying Light. He is a drug producer and dealer based out of the junkyard. Search the crates in the yard. Gather info about the ordered UV lamps. The Show Must Go On is the fifth and final story quest in Dying Light 2. It was posted on game fans. Dying Light. Completing side quests, night-time activities, and challenges between each story quest will cause you to rack up some serious hours to your overall playtime of Dying Light 2. Search the Bazaar. Return to Sophie. Dying light 2 is a BIG disappointment for me on many items, but the worst is the no progression save for coop. Lower the bulkheads. Walkthrough. R. Players can use the buggy to travel across The Countryside quickly and mow down enemies in their path. Corrupt Justice is a gold tier bow acquired from finishing the second Hellraid quest. Kaan and Able. Follow Lawan. This quest starts, however. No main story quest is time sensitive, unless there is a timer on the screen. There are 13 Story Missions throughout the campaign of Dying Light. She ruined the soles of her previous ones while rushing to help me. Story Quests. Any attempt to use it would result in countless. Obtain Maya's music box from some bandits. [Q]How to reset a quest/have a problem. During this Main Quest, Aiden will. This quest unlocks only if you give the transmitter to Jack Matt or Juan during the Broadcast. Trinity is a Survivors-controlled district in the Old Villedor region. Ask the guard at the gate. You can pause the main story now, and complete sidequests, collect drops, level up, get your weapons and inventory to the point you want, and then continue the story by meeting Troy. Talk to Matt. The Raid is the seventh Story Quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. Use the vent to reach the building. After departing from Lawan, Aiden needs to find Frank in the Fish Eye. Better loot awaits you there and you can fast travel any time to the slums and back. Lucius is a character featured in the Hellraid DLC for Dying Light. Exploration is a major part of. ) Co-Op in Dying Light is Fully functional with all activities and all but one Story Mission. Wait for Matt's summons. She appreciates Aiden Caldwell for his mind and quiet insight, she isn’t shy about it, either. Two new story quests to further push the story of Hellraid as well as lead towards the new. Enter the Observatory. turning on Old Town's water supply. Talk to Lawan. Wall of Valor: Missing in Action. That’s all on the mission list including every story and side quest in Dying Light 2. Go to the crocodile flats. Not to be mistaken with game completion. This multi-choice. Talk to Scott. Inspect all cult places Find the Temple of the Sun Reach the Temple of the Sun Check out the Temple of the Sun Bring the mask to Atilla Having spoken to Atilla during the previous quest and restored his electricity, he is able to continue working on his research. The first area of the garage is safe. You may have seen the tweets on the Dying Light 2. She asked me to collect all of the fallen squad members' dog tags. By Max Roberts , Jon Ryan , Brendan Graeber , +10. It is a transit hub where all three metro lines intersect and serves as the. This Dying Light 2 guide will provide you with all you need to know when it comes to beating zombies, learning skills, exploring Villedor, and getting the best gear. Thalia is one of the characters who appear in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. Find a way to your ride to the Stronghold. Here, you will see your Friends. Exercises in futility is a side quest available in Dying Light: The Following. He narrates the player as they progress through the dungeon while completing the quest line. S. After that, they will be available to play co-op with. Here is a complete list of all the side quests so you can check which ones you are missing. . . In this case since you are ahead of your friend, it is best for you to join him and re-do some missions (and side quests). Investigate the mysterious noises in the park Find out why someone stockpiled food in the cave After reading the note at Jasir's farm, head to the town well. Underground Parking (Lot) is a quarantine zone challenge available in Dying Light located in the Slums. Story Quests Dying Light — Game Script (PS4) Home Guides Q&A Cheats Reviews Media News Board Game Script (PS4) by dnextreme88 Version: 1. Dying Light is all about Gameplay and not story. Defeat Hakon. Region: Trinity Quest Giver: Sophie Requirement: Complete Unruly Brother Reward: 1500 Combat XP, 250 Parkour XP, Decoy blueprint, 1 Cans, 10 Scraps Mission Info: Carl insisted that. I did some side quests then 1 story mission, 4-8 sidequests, and then one story mission. Binoculars is a side quest available in Dying Light. ¨ The Banshee is the first monster that the player encounters in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. Topic Archived. After having spoken to. Go to the New Dawn Park and follow the yellow marker to get there. Once outside in the countryside, Crane attempts to contact Lena. He is introduced in Chapter 1: In the Footsteps of a Nightrunner and is the first of many agents to be added to Dying Light 2 Stay Human. Yes, you can keep playing Dying Light 2 after completing the final set of missions. Aside from the Crossbow itself, blueprints for bolts are also obtained in said pack. Unlike most weapons. Maybe Troy will know something. Clear the area of Renegades. One of the set of collectibles, a set of 30 Flags is a reference to the collectible flags retrieved by the Assassins in the Assassin's Creed franchise. Kill the Infected. Go all the way to the top then turn to the right, toward the next pipe. • 3 mo. (Slight spoilers) #1 HalfSunkBoat. Join Sophie. 3k more. Dying Light is a 2015 survival horror video game developed by Techland and published by Warner Bros. Okay so I found a stupid fix. During this. Each quest is varied and reveals the characters or shows the realities of life in the infected city of Villedor. Reclamation is a side quest available in Dying Light: The Following. Renegades. Public Face is the tenth story quest available in Dying Light. Juan. Or you can also meet Troy, and continue with the main story mission, and you'll leave Old Town, and then come back. With no screenshot of the active quests in your journal, I cannot help further with that. [1] To progress with this quest you must increase your "trust rank", which can be seen in the menu to the right of 'skills'.